Saturday, July 3, 2010

Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian

I had heard the Museum of the American Indian was pretty good, and I was excited to go, so when I heard my roommate and her friends from back home were going, I asked to tag along. Thankfully I did because I was so pleasantly surprised. Other museums in the Smithsonian collection are cool, but especially the Museum of American History seemed to be the same old American point of view. But as soon as we entered the first exhibit, we could tell it had an incredible amount of input from so many different Native American groups. This museum was so well done and so powerful, we all just marveled at the layout of the exhibits as you meandered through different displays and histories, at the beautiful sayings on the wall, and at the richness of these cultures. So many beautiful, peaceful peoples almost completely destroyed by greedy, warring peoples. Why do we still let this persist in our world? It was so great to finally see Native Americans telling their own story rather than the traditional story told about them by caucasians. Too bad we only were able to spend about an hour and a half there; we felt we could spend an entire day.

Random thoughts:
- I miss my comforter.
- Where's a racket stringer when I need one?
- I'm learning business lingo! Quite funny that "as is" and "to be" are used as nouns by my coworkers without a second thought...

The sayings are so beautiful, please click on the photos to read them and go to my Picasa album for more!

Rezina and her friends, then roomie photo!

Representation from Pine Ridge, where St. Luke does work!

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