Friday, January 10, 2014

Southside Worker Center Tool Library!

If you're either magically in Tucson and can give a physical item, or if you would like to send them a Home Depot gift card ASAP,  you will make it possible for members of the Southside Worker Center in Tucson to get more solid work opportunities and make Tucson healthier!

Brief background: the Worker Center is one of the ministries of Southside Presbyterian Church, and it is organized by and for day laborers who are primarily men who have immigrated from Mexico and Central America looking to make solid money to provide for their families. Through the Center they contract with employees, receive work and know-your-rights trainings, work to make their community safer and healthier, and support one another and their families.

Here are details from the desk of Raul Alcaraz-Ochoa, Organizer at the Worker Center (and amazing activist to boot)...

"The Southside Worker Center is working towards creating a rent-a-tool library so that workers can have access to tools they may need for a paint job, yard work, construction work and more!

Please contact us at or call us at 520-955-8165 if you are able to get us a tool donation OR a Home Depot Gift Card between now and January 15th. Thanks!"

Tool Wish List:

-hand saw,
-hoola hoe,
-weed eater,
-trash cans,
-face masks,
-sledge hammer,
-digging pole,
-trenching shovels,
-pick axe,
-gas tank.

-measuring tape,
-box cutting blades,
-power washer,
-paint gun,
-air compressor.

-wheel barrel,
-cuchara y radiador

-Air compressor,
-nail gun,
-roofing shovel,
-safety hat,

Thank you for your consideration!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Song from a Participant

This. This is amazing. This is one of the greatest gifts we can receive for our work at BorderLinks. And we get some really incredible ones sometimes! Yesterday a box showed up from a Phillips Theological Seminary participant who came back in September - he donated his company's gently used computer monitors and speakers after they upgraded - how kind it was for him to think of us!

Here are Maria, Indira, and Rhonda admiring our new (to us) toys that will make our work even better!

One of my Harvard Divinity participants wrote a song following his BorderLinks experience and posted it to our Facebook wall in late December. In case you haven't seen it yet, it's pretty amazing and encapsulates a lot of what we hope people get out of border immersion. We try not to teach to a certain end, or hope that people who come in at Levels A through L in border understanding get to Level T or X by the time they leave us. We get to see what people write on their delegation evaluations on their last day, but rarely do we know how their BorderLinks experience touches them once they leave our campus weeks, months, or years later. Every person experiences things differently and can choose what they get out of their time with us. We hope that they integrate what they learn, feel, and think here on the border into wherever life takes them next.

I am amazed by his talent and his heart, and touched that he would produce this musical reflection to share with the world. Without further ado, here is "Paper" by Andrew Porter: If you are so moved, please share on!